About Tracye

Thank You for visiting my page!

I have always enjoyed looking at art and several years ago I decided to put both feet in the cold water and learn to draw and paint. I think I am naturally attracted to colorful images and objects be they flowers, inks or nail polish bottles. I had started learning painting in watercolor, but I am expanding into oils and pastels as well. This blog will cover my artistic learning journey through my drawing and painting classes at: The Palette and Chisel Chicago,  various painting workshops, and online classes.

“Talent is really a capacity for a certain type of learning of knowledge and a consuming interest in the facts that  contribute to that knowledge” ~~ Andrew Loomis



  1. So terrific! My journey is very similar to yours, going through as many different classes as I can, doing my best to take advantage of this time in my life to pursue my artistic interests. I’ll enjoy following along with you in your studies, and thanks for checking out my blog as well!

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